Tuesday 7 October 2014

A Brief overview of Implants

An implant-restored tooth consists of several parts.

X-ray of an implant in bone
The implant, which is made of titanium, is placed in the upper or lower jawbone.
Gold custom abutment
• The abutment can be made of titanium, gold or porcelain. It is attached to the implant with a screw This part connects the implant to the crown. It is shaped like a natural tooth that has been cut down to receive a crown.
The final crown in place
• The restoration (the part that looks like a tooth) is a crown. It usually is made of porcelain fused to a metal alloy (PFM). It also can be all metal or all porcelain. The crown is screwed or cemented onto the abutment. If the crown is screwed to the abutment, the screw hole will be covered with restorative material such as tooth-coloured filling material (composite).

For a more sturdy bite, Implants can help lock your denture into position so that sticky things can be eaten again!!

Call us for a free initial consultation to see what we can do for you